Employers are not permitted to take adverse action against their employees who file for bankruptcy. Debtors are protected by 11 U.S.C. sec. 525(b). Section A applies to governmental units and Section B applies to private employers. In all my years of practice, I have never had to bring an action or even threaten to bring an action under Section 525. Most employers understand the stress their employees are under and are not insensitive to their plight. More people have filed for bankruptcy than you think...
If you’re looking for a job, you may see ads for firms that promise results. Unfortunately, some firms may misrepresent their services, promote outdated or fictitious job offerings, or charge high fees in advance for
services that may not lead to a job....
Those desperate to find work can sometimes fall victim to job placement and work-at-home
scams. /// Tips On Avoiding Employment Scams
Esta guía brinda información general acerca de las leyes laborales estatales y federales. Es para ser utilizada únicamente para propósitos de información y no substituye la ley...
Esta guía brinda información general acerca de las leyes laborales estatales y federales. Es para ser utilizada únicamente para propósitos de información y no substituye la ley. El Acta Federal de Normas de Trabajo Justas se puede encontrar en el título 29 del Código de los Estados Unidos, capítulo 8. La ley estatal acerca de los requisitos para el salario mínimo se puede encontrar en el Título 44, capítulo 15 del Código de Idaho; y la ley estatal acerca delpago de salarios se puede encontrar en el Título 45, Capítulo 6 del Código de Idaho.
This guide provides general information about federal and state labor laws. It is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for the law. The federal Fair Labor Standards Act can be found at Title 29 United States Code, Chapter 8. State law regarding minimum wage requirements can be found at Title 44, Chapter 15, Idaho Code; and state law regarding the payment of wages can be found at Title 45, Chapter 6, Idaho Code. The farm labor contractor licensing law may be found at Title 44, Chapter 16, Idaho Code. If legal advice is required, an attorney should be contacted.
In 2002, Idaho’s legislature passed a new law. Many individuals (and organizations) worked for many years to ensure passage of this new law. Those who are dedicated (and committed) to ensure justice and equality for Idaho’s farmworkers are interested in letting farmworkers know about this new law. By doing so, the farmworkers and their families can continue to learn about their rights.
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