The Idaho Stateman recently posted an article related to Latinx housing evictions in Ketchum, ID. For more information, please click on the English or Spanish version of the article below:
Are you an immigrant family that has been denied Food Stamps or Medicaid because Health and Welfare asked you about the income and resources of your immigration sponsor?
For an explanation of Idaho's crisis standards of care in Spanish, please visit this website:
The document below was issued by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare on May 1, 2020. It contains information on plans all agricultural employers should have in place to mitigate the risk of spreading COVID-19.
Updated July 2019
Updated 2019
El proceso de la Orden de Protección
Los tribunales (las cortes) de Idaho pueden ayudarle a una víctima de violencia doméstica a través de las ordenes de protección cuales restringen o prohíben el contacto entre la víctima del abuso y el abusador. Código de Idaho Sección 39-6301 et. seq. La violencia doméstica incluye herida fisica, abuso sexual, encarcelamiento forzado o la amenaza de lo mismo.
¿Hay un Laboratorio de Metamfetamina en su vecindad?
¿Se daría cuenta si lo viera? ¿Cuales son los peligros que usted y su familia enfrentan si hay un
laboratorio en la vivienda en seguida?
Que hace después . . .
The Migrant Farmworker Law Unit (MFLU) is a division of Idaho Legal Aid Services. The MFLU provides legal assistance to low-income migrant and seasonal farmworkers who live in Idaho or who are involved in a court action in Idaho.
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