Aging and Disability Resource Center

ADRC LogoThe Aging and Disability Resource Center guided by the Idaho Commission on Aging (ICOA) serves Idaho's seniors and people with disabilities by safeguarding their rights, fostering self-sufficiency, providing counseling, and advocating on their behalf. The ICOA provides opportunities for individuals to access a comprehensive array of private and public pay, long term care, support services through "Single Access Points" operated by the local Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs).

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Table of Contents

    Idaho Covid-19 Information

    For more information regarding Idaho's coronavirus pandemic, please visit the State of Idaho's webpage devoted to coronavirus information, such as the numbers in Idaho, a transmission risk level map, and what stage of the Stay Healthy Order Idaho is currently in: Idaho Coronavirus.

    The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare has created a Covid Help Now Line for those who seek support for emotional or mental distress during the pandemic. You can find more information here: Covid Help Now Line.

    To find Covid-19 Testing Locations in your area, please visit: Covid-19 Testing Locations.

    For information related to Medicaid coverage of Covid-19 treatment, please visit: Medicaid and Coronavirus.

    For information related to Medicare coverage of Covid-19 treatment, please visit: Medicare and Coronavirus.

    Table of Contents

      Idaho Family Caregiver Navigator Tool

      The Idaho Caregiver Alliance has developed a Caregiver Navigator Tool for unpaid family caregivers of adults or children which provides an assessment of your needs and resources to assist caregivers, such as help developing a care plan.

      To take the Caregiver Screening to assess your needs or to find out more information, please visit:

      Table of Contents

        Medicaid Long-term Care Module (English and Spanish (Espanol))

        Below is a module (a guided informational program) related to Medicaid Long-term Care issues and planning. This module/guide is available in English and Spanish. 

        Table of Contents

          Veteran's Benefits

          What Benefits Am I Entitled To As a Veteran?

          If you are a veteran, you may be eligible for the following benefits: Disability Compensation for Veterans, Disability Pension, Dependents, and Other VA Benefits.

          For more information regarding benefits available to Veteran's in Idaho, please visit Idaho's Division of Veteran's Services Benefits and Services webpage here:


          How Can I Receive Help to Get These Benefits?

          For assistance obtaining veterans' benefits, please contact your local office of the Idaho Office of Veterans Advocacy by visiting their webpage here:

          The Office of Veterans Advocacy is a full-service bureau that helps veterans, their family members and survivors pursue all federal and state benefits and entitlements on their behalf. Their staff has qualified benefits specialists trained to help veterans and families gain benefits they are entitled to under the law. They provide counseling and referral services to individuals and families, to provide veterans with current, accurate information on the entire range of issues associated with veterans’ benefits and entitlements.

          This service is available Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Messages may be left 24 hours a day.

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          Table of Contents